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Problem Installing Plesk 9.3 from Scratch or Upgrade

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Error installing Plesk 9.3 on CentOS 5.4

When trying to install Plesk 9.3 onto CentOS 5.4.  Apparently you’re not meant to run “yum upgrade” and install all the latest packages on the system before running the Plesk installer as it breaks it.

The error received was:

ERROR: Unable to install the “psa-9.3.0-cos5.build93091230.06.x86_64″ package

Not all packages were installed.
Please, contact product technical support.

Not a very useful error message as it tells us nothing about the problem.  In previous versions of Plesk on Redhat based operating systems it was the upgraded bind-libs causing the Plesk install to fail.  Same in this case.


rpm -e bind-libs bind-utils

And re-install Plesk 9.3 from scratch.

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